Lecturers & Workshop Supervisors

Andrea Wieland
(Pyroscience GmbH – Germany)
Research Field Keywords :
microsensors, microprofiling, sediments, biofilms, photosynthesis, oxygen fluxes, optodes
Andrea is head of Sales & Marketing of the sensor manufacturer PyroScience GmbH, offering state-of-the-art optical pH, oxygen and temperature sensor technology based on plug-&-play stand-alone, PC-operated or underwater fiber-optic devices. She obtained her master`s degree in biology and acquired her PhD in marine microbiology at the Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen (Germany), with subsequent Post-Doc positions at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Hamburg (Germany) and involvement in several international projects and cooperation. During her scientific career she obtained broad expertise in application of various sensor systems (e.g. electrochemical O2 and H2S microsensors, pH microelectrode, fibre-optic oxygen sensors and microprobes) in diverse (micro-)biological systems in marine and extreme environments. With this background, she is heading the Marketing, Technical Support and Sales of optical sensor systems since >10 years.

K. Bonne (& J. Hupp or I. Smillie)
(Li-Cor Environmental – USA & Europe)
Research Field Keywords :
Environmental measurements, CO2, CH4, N2O, Isotopes, Soil, Plant Physiology, Eddy Covariance
LI-COR Biosciences is a leading manufacturer of scientific instrumentation designed to support environmental research at a number of scales. Founded over 50 years ago, LI-COR aims to support soil research, plant physiology, eddy covariance, aquatic carbon measurements and new users looking to monitor carbon budgets across temporal and spatial scales. A global company, we are present in the USA, the EU and China in order to provide the best service and swift responses where possible. LI-COR continues to innovate and develop the fields it is involved in, be that through ground-breaking software such as EddyPro or through totally new concepts for measurements as seen in the recently-released Water Node and Carbon Node.

Gabriel Billon
(University of Lille - UMR LASIRE -- France)
Research Field Keywords :
Analytical chemistry, geochemistry, pollutants, water, sediment
Professor Gabriel Billon has been working at the University of Lille for some twenty years on the contamination of aquatic systems (water and sediment) as a chemist. He develops trace element analysis methods and contamination monitoring systems, depending on the issues addressed. He is involved in monitoring water quality on several time scales, and has developed a mobile laboratory for this purpose.

Vincent Bouchet
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Professor at Lille University, researcher in the LOG Laboratory, and responsible of Team INTEREST- Intertidal and Estuarine Ecology. Pr. Bouchet's work is dedicated to the ecology and palaeo-ecology of coastal and transitional marine habitats. His expertise lies in benthic community ecology, with a particular emphasis on foraminifera. He investigates the contribution of benthic foraminifera to bioturbation processes via experimental works, understanding the fairly unknown role of foraminifera in ecosystem functioning. Pr. Bouchet employs robust environmental monitoring techniques, using both diversity-based and sensitivity-based biotic indices to assess ecosystem health.

Mel Constant
(IMT Nord Europe)
Research Field Keywords :
Environmental pollution, plastic waste, microplastics.
I am a research engineer at the IMT Nord Europe since 2019 on temporary contracts. I defended my PhD thesis in 2018 on microplastics the sources, transfers and fates in the gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean sea) at the Perpignan University. I’m still working on mass budget of microplastic cycling, further upstream in the rivers, through the DYMITRIA (DYnamics of deposit and transfer of MIcroplasTics in RIvers in a region subject to strong urban and agricultural Anthropology) project. I study this pollution in the air, soil, water and sediment compartments.

Lionel Denis
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Research Field Keywords :
Biogeochemistry, Microphytobenthos, Sediment-water exchanges, sediment-air exchanges, Microsensors
After being the head of research teams from 2003 to 2013, Pr. Lionel DENIS endorsed the head of the Station Marine de Wimereux (University of Lille) from 2014 to 2023. As a biogeochemist, member at large of the IASWS (International Association for Sediment Water Science), member of the LOG (Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences), in the research group INTEREST (Intertidal and Estuarine Ecology), his skills are focused on exchanges at the sediment-water interface and at the sediment-air interface, mainly in intertidal and coastal systems. His works describe exchanges of dissolved compounds (oxygen, nutrients, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon), as well as gaseous (Carbon Dioxide, methane) or particulate (organic, inorganic) exchanges. The interactions with benthic macro-meio or microorganisms are considered, as well as the influence of ongoing changes and stressors (contaminants…) on the biodiversity and the functioning of the various ecosystems studied.

Gwendoline Duong
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Research Field Keywords :
Macroalgae, Microphytobenthos, Benthic ecology, Biogeochemistry, Environmental stresses.
Gwendoline has worked for 10 years at the Wimereux Marine Station as a marine biology engineer. Her favorite lands are rocky shores to encounter macroalgae and mudflats for microphytobenthos. In the laboratory, she participates in experiments and performs a large number of analyses: CNS elemental analysis, nutrient salts, pigments by HPLC, antioxidant assays...

François Gevaert
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Associate Professor at Lille University, and researcher in the LOG Laboratory. Research focuses mainly on the primary production of benthic photosynthetic organisms such as seaweed and microphytobenthos and their physiological and biochemical responses to variations in abiotic factors.

Fabienne Goulard
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Associate Professor at Lille University, and researcher in the LOG Laboratory.

Ludovic Lesven
(University of Lille - UMR LASIRE -- France)
Research Field Keywords :
Trace metals, sulfides, water-sediment interface, aquatic environements, DGT, climatic changes
My research activities focus on the behavior and fate of trace metals and sulfur species in aquatic environments (oceans, rivers, groundwater, rainwater, etc.) and at the water-sediment interface. These activities are multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary (links with climate change, impacts on biological activity, etc.) and benefit from the development of in situ measurement tools (DGT-type passive samplers, electrodes for high-frequency monitoring, etc.) that I have been developing since the start of my career. Moreover, for several years, I have placed great importance on activities related to “popularization,” mediation, and scientific culture through various means (workshops demonstrating scientific concepts, conferences, laboratory visits, radio chronicles…)

Nicolas Spilmont
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Research Field Keywords :
Benthic ecology, intertidal ecology, air-sediment fluxes, CO2 budgets
Prof. Nicolas Spilmont is a benthic ecologist, deputy director of the Laboratory of Oceanography and Geosciences (LOG, Wimereux, France). He contributed in 2002 to the development of a new method to measure CO2 fluxes at the air-sediment interface in benthic chambers. Ever since, he has been working on the benthic metabolism during emersion periods, both on soft (sandy beaches and estuaries) and rocky (macroalgal communities) intertidal sediments. His current research mainly focuses on rocky shores with, beside CO2 fluxes, emphasis on introduced species, the behaviour of invertebrates (mollusks and crustaceans) and the impact of microplastics.

Alain Trentesaux
(University of Lille - Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences -- France)
Research Field Keywords :
Sedimentology, Marine geology, Palaeo-oceanograpghy, shelf and coastal sedimentation.
Professor Alain Trentesaux is a sedimentologist specialized in marine recent (Quaternary) deposits. He intensively worked along shelves, mostly the English-Channel and the North Sea, sometimes focussing on the Strait itself, but also along other marginal seas such as the Chinese seas or the Moroccan and Tunisian shelves. On those areas, he is interested in sediment mobility and record. As a sedimentologist he sometimes works on much older rocks (up to 2.1 billion years old) to reconstruct past depositional environments. orcid.org/0000-0001-6186-1005